Wang Shao-Gang
About Seeing You after a Long Time
09. 23 – 11. 11, 2023

I’ve been thinking about how time is like the lengthy process of image developing, where certain aspects are manifested, while others fade away into obscurity.
Upon revisiting and confronting these images, the fragments of life prompted intriguing imaginations that might sound like romances in fairy tales. In the story, there is no temporal references nor spatial boundaries. Infinity becomes an integral part of the present moment.

It marks where I revisit the story and where an odyssey of self-discovery commences. At its outset, a vaccine transformed me into a gorilla. I then saw a lake in the forest and encountered three creatures. They sat in front of me around a campfire, looking into the sky while narrating stories about my past lives. A common thread unites their narratives— a fictional note penned by an artist: It’s about a frog waiting for a kiss, a bird looking for its homeland, a gorilla doing sign languages and a dog laughing all the time. The unseeable self that is later seen and transformed was influenced by a synergy between imagery and desire. Through the formation of my self-identity, I was able to retrace the fragments of life that were once forgotten. These fragments mirror yearnings akin to those found in the fairy tales, unravelling the surface reality and ushering forth a realm of imaginative possibilities.

About Seeing You after a Long Time
Reunion is where I revisit the story and where an odyssey of self-discovery commences. In this exhibition, the artist depicts the “archaeological journey” of revisiting his youthful memories, using doodling and video installations to craft a visual tapestry of life’s pivotal moments. The artist internalises those experiences and embodies them in a venue that features painting-based installations. From this juncture, a dreamlike theatrical arena emerges, turning images into crystalised memories and making time a mechanism for the reiteration of journeys. The creation of these pieces reflects the process of revisiting the artist’s lived experiences, preserving them through the medium of art.