Luo Jr-shin
Luo Jr-shin’s “Forage – Habitat – Transit” Presented at the 2nd Romantic Route 3 Art Festival

“Forage – Habitat – Transit” responds to the past industries and historical memory of Dongshih through humor. The bird sculpture, created close to real-life proportions of egrets, stands on a drifting wood, swaying with the recycled water from the pond. As a crucial part of the timber process, the log pond is now transformed into a space suitable for tourism and leisure. However, nature and resources should not be enjoyed solely by humans, and animals and plants are also major characters in the scenery. The variety, balance, and multivariate perspectives are rooted in our mutual understanding and respect.

Although the depiction of the sculpture is based on reality, it presents expressive tensions in its lines. The surface is painted in white, with 70% matte and 30% gloss, showcasing occasional and unexpected light in the light and shadows of the sun and moon.

On the surface, the words “forage,” “habitat,” and “transit” describe the ecological states of water birds, but they also hint at the history of forestry. The journey setting off from Dasyueshan and the brief stop at the log pond is a preparation for transitioning into other forms.


2023.06.24 – 2023.08.27
Venue:Dongshih Forestry Culture Park(No. 1368, Dongguan Road, Section 6, Dongshi District, Taichung City)
Opening Hours:06:00-18:00

Photos courtesy of OKAF, mt.projec

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